American Standard, Inc.

Fact checked and legally reviewed by Daniel Wasserberg • Contributor & Legal Advisor

American Standard, Inc. manufactured a wide range of asbestos products, including brake systems, boilers, refrigeration materials, and industrial components.

If you or a loved one have developed an asbestos-related illness as a result of American Standard asbestos exposure, you may be eligible for financial compensation.

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American Standard, Inc. (AS) and its many subsidiaries and parent companies manufactured a broad range of asbestos-contaminated industrial, construction, and vehicle products until the 1980s.

Exposure to American Standard asbestos products and activities endangered employees, their families, and many other occupations, including HVAC technicians, mechanics, boilermakers, and construction workers.

Asbestos exposure significantly increases the risk of life-threatening diseases like mesothelioma, lung cancer, and other serious conditions.

Fill out the form below to see if you may qualify for financial compensation from American Standard, Inc.

Check Your Compensation Eligibility Now

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Were you or your family member diagnosed with an asbestos-related illness?

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Based on your answers, it seems like you may have a potential claim. How can we get in touch to confirm your eligibility?

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Key Information About American Standard, Inc.:

  • American Standard has never declared bankruptcy or established a trust fund, handling claims through settlements and litigation.
  • Mechanics, boiler fitters, HVAC technicians, and construction workers faced the highest exposure risks.
  • American Standard’s asbestos-containing products included boilers, refrigeration systems, railway and automotive brakes, and more.
  • Our team of experienced asbestos attorneys offer free consultations to assess your eligibility for compensation.

American Standard, Inc. & Asbestos Usage 

Founded in 1929 through the merger of American Radiator and Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Company, American Standard grew rapidly, becoming the nation’s largest manufacturer of bathroom fixtures by the 1930s.

By the 1960s, its product line expanded to include HVAC systems, plumbing materials, brake systems for trains and cars, radiators, and components for industrial pumps and compressors — many of which contained high levels of asbestos.  

In 1967, the company rebranded as American Standard, Inc. to reflect its growing diversification. Its largest acquisition came in 1983 when it purchased Trane, a major HVAC and refrigeration company with a history of asbestos use.  

Despite widespread awareness of asbestos-related health risks, American Standard continued using asbestos until the 1980s, exposing workers and consumers for decades.

Asbestos Exposure Dangers From American Standard, Inc.

American Standard’s extensive product line led to widespread asbestos exposure across multiple industries. The company and its subsidiaries produced asbestos-containing products for both direct consumer use and as components for other manufacturers.  

All six types of asbestos are hazardous, breaking into thin, durable fibers that easily become airborne during mining, handling, or damage. Inhaled or ingested asbestos particles can embed in body tissue, causing inflammation, scarring, and DNA mutations that lead to serious diseases.  

Asbestos is highly toxic, putting anyone who works with or around it at risk of life-threatening health conditions.

Asbestos-related diseases:

The family members of asbestos industry employees are also at risk of secondary asbestos exposure from particles brought into the home on the clothes, skin, and hair of loved ones. 

If you or a loved one has developed an asbestos-related illness due to American Standard asbestos products or activities, you may be entitled to compensation.

Financial Compensation for Asbestos-Related Diseases

American Standard, Inc. has never filed for bankruptcy and does not operate an asbestos trust fund to compensate victims. Individuals exposed to asbestos due to American Standard’s products and negligent practices must seek compensation by filing a lawsuit against the company.

There are two primary types of asbestos lawsuits:

  • Personal injury lawsuit: Allows living victims of asbestos exposure to seek compensation for their losses.
  • Wrongful death lawsuit: Allows the dependents or family members of deceased asbestos exposure victims to recover damages for the loss of their loved one.

Despite its long history with asbestos, American Standard has been relatively successful in keeping its asbestos liabilities private. In 2003, the company reported that although it had faced numerous lawsuits, none had resulted in a verdict against it. 

While this is no longer true, the company still prefers to settle most claims out of court through private agreements with its victims.

Check Your Compensation Eligibility Now

Step 1 of 3

Were you or your family member diagnosed with an asbestos-related illness?

Step 3 of 3

Based on your answers, it seems like you may have a potential claim. How can we get in touch to confirm your eligibility?

Your information will be kept private

Bankruptcy Trust Fund Setup

Although American Standard has not declared bankruptcy and intends to continue handling asbestos claims through the court systems, some of its subsidiaries have begun the bankruptcy process. They are working to set up trust funds to compensate asbestos-exposure victims.

One subsidiary, Oakfabco, Inc. — formerly Kewanee Boiler — has declared bankruptcy twice in 30 years. Its most recent bankruptcy in 2020 led to the establishment of an asbestos trust fund containing $15.8 million to compensate injured workers and their families.

Asbestos trust funds provide a faster, less stressful alternative to lawsuits, offering victims a more straightforward path to compensation. By filing a claim, those who meet the medical and exposure criteria can receive financial relief after a thorough review of their case. Those who qualify may begin receiving trust fund compensation in as little as 90 days after filing.

Asbestos Lawsuits Against American Standard, Inc.

American Standard, Inc. typically resolves asbestos claims through private settlements. However, some victims have successfully secured substantial court-awarded compensation through lawsuits against the company.


American Standard ended a 2012 lawsuit with a $13 million settlement. The victim had developed mesothelioma as a result of exposure to asbestos-containing industrial components manufactured by American Standard, Inc.>


Mr. Joel Hernandezcueva developed mesothelioma after working as a maintenance worker for several asbestos companies in the 1990s. He was awarded $107 million by a California jury in 2023. Liability was divided between American Standard and several other asbestos product manufacturers.

While trial verdicts often result in significant monetary awards for the victim, they can be stressful and may take years to conclude. Victims must also consider the possibility of appeal, which can prolong the process further.

Settlements offer victims a faster route to compensation. Although they are initially negotiable, with both parties working to reach a satisfactory conclusion, once an agreement has been made, it is legally binding and cannot be appealed or vacated.

An experienced asbestos attorney can help you choose which process may be right for you.

Asbestos-Containing Products From American Standard, Inc.

Throughout the 20th century, American Standard, Inc. produced a diverse range of products across multiple industries. The company not only sold asbestos-containing products directly to consumers but also supplied asbestos materials to other manufacturers, contributing to widespread exposure.

American Standard, Inc. asbestos products include:

  • Asbestos rope gaskets 
  • Automotive brakes
  • Cobra railroad brake linings
  • Compressor components (Ingersoll Rand)
  • HVAC components
  • Kewanee Round Type “R” Boiler
  • Pump components (Ingersoll Rand)
  • Trane refrigeration systems

At-Risk Occupations

The scope and duration of American Standard’s asbestos activities endangered tens of thousands of employees and consumers. Those once employed at the company’s Louisville, Kentucky plant are at exceptionally high risk of developing asbestos-related conditions.

Other high-risk occupations:

See If You May Be Eligible for Compensation

Diagnosis with an asbestos-related illness is physically, emotionally, and financially devastating for victims and their families. Many victims need urgent help covering burdensome medical and living expenses generated by their diagnosis.

Filing a lawsuit against negligent asbestos companies allows victims to pursue justice and compensation from those responsible for their injuries. These companies knew about the dangers of asbestos and chose to continue using it to protect profits.

We have partnered with the experienced and talented asbestos attorneys at Meirowitz & Wasserberg. They help victims explore all available compensation options, ensuring they pursue the maximum recovery while prioritizing their health.  

If you or a loved one has suffered due to asbestos exposure from American Standard, Inc. products or operations, don’t wait — contact us today to see if you may be eligible for compensation.

Profile picture of Daniel Wasserberg

Written & Legally Reviewed By

Daniel Wasserberg

Attorney and On-Site Legal Advocate

Daniel Wasserberg was a New York metropolitan area “Super Lawyer Rising Star” from 2013 to 2018 (attorneys under age 40), and a Super Lawyer in 2019. In 2017, Daniel was named a “Top 100 Civil Litigator” by the National Trial Lawyers organization. This recognition is rarely awarded to attorneys under the age of 40. Daniel is proud to call himself a Trial Lawyer, and is often asked to speak at gatherings of the nation’s leading attorneys, from both sides of the bar.

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