Richard Stewart

Writer, Content Coordinator and Outreach Director

Richard Stewart started in the mesothelioma space 12 years ago focusing on outreach. Once he realized how many different occupations and ways people have been exposed to asbestos he began to research and write articles to help spread awareness. As a Writer, Content Coordinator and Outreach Director, he covers mesothelioma research and treatments.

Profile image Richard Stewart

More About Richard

Richard Stewart has a Bachelor of Science in Economics from Florida State University and is continuing his education on health literacy through the CDC. When his father passed away from cancer he realized the lack of resources available to families in need. He now spends his time writing about mesothelioma and the resources available for anyone suffering from that disease so they can get the support they need.


  • Asbestos Occupational Exposure
  • Mesothelioma Treatments
  • Mesothelioma Research


  • Bachelor of Science in Economics
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